Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Niece's LA Bakery

My niece's cupcakes always make me smile. Enjoy!
Caveat: Not for sale in Texas (or any place other than LA)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Want That

Ask my daughter, "What's mommy's favorite thing to do?" & without missing a beat, she'll tell you, "sleep".  What I wouldn't do for 8 hours of peaceful, uninterrupted sleep...   It's bad enough that my newborn wakes me up every 3 to 4 hours, but I also have a 6 year old that frequently makes her way into our bed.  Is that a hand or a foot that just touched my face?  Why does she need to sleep horizontally?  I'm tired!  I wish that my body didn't crave so much sleep.

A colleague of mine at New York County Defender Services, claimed that she needed only 4 to 5 hours of sleep.  She would go to sleep after midnight and be at the gym by 5.  It is said that Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart also survive on little sleep.  Are they secret nappers?  Did the lack of sleep cause them to make poor judgment calls?

A couple of weeks ago, I read an article in the NY Times entitled: Mutation Tied to Need for Less Sleep Is Discovered.  The article can be found at

Abnormal copies of gene DEC2........  
                                                    I WANT THAT!!!!!

What would I do with those extra hours?  Would I be more productive?  Would I work out more?  Would it allow me to spend more time with my family?

I guess I'll never know.  GOOD NIGHT!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Features & Plans for the Future

As I originally planned this blog to be more than just a vehicle for my musings &/or rants, at the bottom of this blog, you will find some new features.  They include information about:

  • Domestic Help
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Maternity Clothes/ Baby Clothes & Supplies
  • Things to Do
So, if you have anything related to these items that you want to be included, please let me know.  I'm also looking for ideas for additional tabs.

In the future, as soon as my crack blog/website gurus get around to it, I intend to include articles & cases from around the country that may be of interested to us women ... or at least are of interest to me.

Stay tuned......

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Grade

Like most lawyer-moms, I've raised multi-tasking to an art form.  I'm on Lexis while I'm on the phone.  I work on cross examinations while watching SpongeBob with my 6 year old daughter.  I breastfeed my 12 week old son while I blog.  I think that my son has begun to use my  breast as both a food source & a pacifier - will his future girlfriends/wife curse my name?  Don't know & I don't care so long that he falls asleep soon!!!

Today was my daughter's first day of first grade.  I woke up at 6: 15 & my daughter at 7:00.  I wish that I could say that the morning ran smoothly.  I also wish that the 20 lbs. of baby weight that I'm hanging on to would be gone by the time that I wake up tomorrow.  But, the first wish didn't come true & unless the lipo gods perform an overnight miracle, I doubt the second will come true either.   

Anyway, despite the best intentions, we couldn't get my daughter to eat breakfast and then I couldn't find her hair brush & then .... before we knew it, we were rushing to get out the door.  The rushing then led to my husband & I snapping at each other.  All of which made for a fun morning.

  • We both had intended to both walk our daughter into her classroom - Only I got to walk her as my husband had to park the car.  I think that he's still upset that he missed her big girl moment. 
  • We had intended to take pictures - We forgot our camera and  I forgot my phone.  Fortunately, a more together mom had offered to take my daughter's picture.  Now, I have to remember to e-mail her so I can get a copy.
  • I had intended not to cry - I cried.

Why Blog

As a new mom & fairly recent transplant to Texas, I'm often overwhelmed.

* What are the fun things to do on the weekend because I just can't go to the Children's Museum again!?

* Who knew that the Main Street Theater had a post-Ike hurricane camp?

* Where, at the court house, can I use my breast pump in private?

* Is it really practical for me to work at home while my nanny & 12 week old are in the next room?

My hope is that this blog can serve as a forum for us working Texas Lawyer Moms. So, please feel free to post anything that you feel might be of interest or importance to us all.