Ask my daughter, "What's mommy's favorite thing to do?" & without missing a beat, she'll tell you, "sleep". What I wouldn't do for 8 hours of peaceful, uninterrupted sleep... It's bad enough that my newborn wakes me up every 3 to 4 hours, but I also have a 6 year old that frequently makes her way into our bed. Is that a hand or a foot that just touched my face? Why does she need to sleep horizontally? I'm tired! I wish that my body didn't crave so much sleep.
A colleague of mine at New York County Defender Services, claimed that she needed only 4 to 5 hours of sleep. She would go to sleep after midnight and be at the gym by 5. It is said that Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart also survive on little sleep. Are they secret nappers? Did the lack of sleep cause them to make poor judgment calls?
A couple of weeks ago, I read an article in the NY Times entitled: Mutation Tied to Need for Less Sleep Is Discovered. The article can be found at
Abnormal copies of gene DEC2........
What would I do with those extra hours? Would I be more productive? Would I work out more? Would it allow me to spend more time with my family?
I guess I'll never know. GOOD NIGHT!
There Goes a Man
8 years ago
We make our son sleep on the floor with a nest of pillows. It does help keep from waking me up so you may want to try it. The downside is he is 7 and still shows up on my floor but considering he is 4' 5" and weighs 100lbs I will take it over being in the bed.