Monday, August 24, 2009

First Grade

Like most lawyer-moms, I've raised multi-tasking to an art form.  I'm on Lexis while I'm on the phone.  I work on cross examinations while watching SpongeBob with my 6 year old daughter.  I breastfeed my 12 week old son while I blog.  I think that my son has begun to use my  breast as both a food source & a pacifier - will his future girlfriends/wife curse my name?  Don't know & I don't care so long that he falls asleep soon!!!

Today was my daughter's first day of first grade.  I woke up at 6: 15 & my daughter at 7:00.  I wish that I could say that the morning ran smoothly.  I also wish that the 20 lbs. of baby weight that I'm hanging on to would be gone by the time that I wake up tomorrow.  But, the first wish didn't come true & unless the lipo gods perform an overnight miracle, I doubt the second will come true either.   

Anyway, despite the best intentions, we couldn't get my daughter to eat breakfast and then I couldn't find her hair brush & then .... before we knew it, we were rushing to get out the door.  The rushing then led to my husband & I snapping at each other.  All of which made for a fun morning.

  • We both had intended to both walk our daughter into her classroom - Only I got to walk her as my husband had to park the car.  I think that he's still upset that he missed her big girl moment. 
  • We had intended to take pictures - We forgot our camera and  I forgot my phone.  Fortunately, a more together mom had offered to take my daughter's picture.  Now, I have to remember to e-mail her so I can get a copy.
  • I had intended not to cry - I cried.


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself. There were many of us moms who had a not so smooth morning. Mine including the throwing of shoes across the room - unfortunately by me not my 2nd grader. Thankfully my children are learning to extend grace as I learn to seek forgiveness.

    Mom of 3 girls aka too many hormones.

  2. I could have almost written your post particularly about working while watching, in my case, Backyardigans & Wonder Pets and my oldest son's first day of Kindergarten yesterday--except for the nursing thing--which will come in a few months when I have my 4th child. Let's just say the first day of school and pregnancy (or for you--postpartum) hormones don't mix well. I didn't think I'd cry, but I did and was teary all day! Hang in there!
